Saturday, April 20, 2013

Vlog 4 Day 43 4-20-2013 Brownies and Extracts

Well, I tried to do a little minisode thingie with brownie baking, but that kinds went south… sorry Rebmakash, I’ll try again sometime.  It’s not like making brownies is hard though, it’s just some sugar and flower and cocoa and eggs… and stuff.

Also, I’m happy I got to introduce you to Smudge!  I hear that adding a cat to your youtube channel makes it more popular.  No?  Oh well, can’t blame a girl for trying!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Hey guys, I know it's been way more than two weeks since I've updated... not a good start for my channel I guess.  I just... I haven't been handling life well now that my friend's gone.  I know there aren't a lot of you folks yet, but I'm sorry if I disappointed any of you.  However, I do have a few suggestions in my private messages, so, I'll try to get to doing one of those soon.

Thanks for bearing with me.